for article or monograph submissions
You can send your contributions via email to or via the form below (the system does not issue a receipt). Please indicate your areas of interest and expertise and attach a copy of your CV/Resume.
Aequitas Magazine operates in compliance with its own Code of Ethics, which we strongly encourage you to consult.
Your work will be automatically placed in a rating list according to the chronological order of arrival and submitted for critical evaluation and peer review within four weeks. Please allow at least up to five/ six weeks for more complex and elaborate works.
Each contribution will be examined anonymously by members of the Scientific Committee or external experts, screened according to a double-layer review (antiplagiarism check and double-blind peer-review) and, if deemed suitable (with or without corrections), considered for publication.
The peer review mechanism helps with selecting the publication by optimising its scientific potential. This is done by keeping in mind the following guiding questions:
– Does the work provide an original or innovative contribution to the existing literature?
– Could the contribution be written more clearly to better emphasise its scope?
– Does there need to be any improvement in the consistency and logic behind the argument?
To be considered for publication, all contributions must:
- be written in either English or Italian
- be works of intellectual nature
- be consistent with the contents of the Journal
- be original
- be first-time publications (contributions that have been already published in other journals or e-journals are not eligible for publication)
- have a clear expository quality, consistency and logic, correct terminology, accuracy in bibliographical and source research, depth, relevance, quality of the method, validity of results, critical analysis and scientific rigour
- be tailored for academic study and research, as well as designed for scientific debates and dissemination while offering significant development to the research field (law studies) for scholars, researchers, practitioners, and professionals (lawyers, notaries, magistrates, etc.)
- be Open Access (all published content is available free of charge to users or their institutions, accessible without registration or other access barriers. It can be read, copied, downloaded, linked, printed, indexed, shared by email or on social media in whole or in part).
When a proposed contribution is accepted, the Author – as owner of the copyright – will recognize and grant the Publisher the right of first publication. They will also authorize all Open-Access modes of use in accordance with the editorial guidelines of the Journal and under license Creative Commons Attribution – Non-Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). This allows every user to freely share the work by indicating the intellectual paternity and first publication in that Journal.
Authors will retain copyright and all publication rights without any restriction as well as the right to deposit versions of their work in an institutional archive or any other archive of their choice.
The collaboration is free of charge, and no monetary compensation or reimbursement of expenses is expected for the authors.
The topics should be within the “Social”: Area 12 “Legal sciences” scientific-disciplinary macrosector and may cover several areas transversally, allowing interdisciplinary connections in line with Heading divisions of the Journal:
– Current case law;
– Current legal issues;
– Civil law;
– Criminal law;
– Law and Anthropology;
– Law and Bioethics;
– Law and History;
– Law and Technology.
The title must not exceed a maximum length of 120 characters (spaces included). It must contain keywords, preferably at the beginning. It must be direct, clear, simple and concise.
Citations of other authors and legal texts or case law should be quoted in italics and high commas, with the source (preferably in a note) and should not exceed 20% of the total text of the work.
Publication size: minimum 600 words to maximum 6000 words for articles; over 6000 words for monographs.
Contributions of more than 3000 words should be divided into headings to facilitate reading.
Contributions of more than 5000 words must be accompanied by a summary abstract, which is always preferable.
The text shall not contain bold, highlighted or underlined text or links to other sites. Words in ancient languages or languages other than English or Italian, quotes and quoted sources should be written in italics (for example, sine titulo, tout court, etc).
Abbreviations may be used for regulatory sources, judicial measures or judicial authorities (e.g. c.c. per codice civile, d.lgs. per decreto legislativo, Cost. per Costituzione; sent. per sentenza, ord. per ordinanza; Cass. per Corte di Cassazione, CGUE per Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione Europea, et similia), or acronyms for supranational entities, international organisations or other bodies (EU, UN, INPS, etc.).
We highly encourage our collaborators to include keywords (maximum five), an essential bibliography of authors and works (in order of name and surname, title, publisher, place, year, pages; for on-line journals the ISSN code must be indicated; for ancient sources, collection or compilation, fragment, or work from which they are taken), and any explanatory text notes.
It is possible to propose or attach an image, rectangular in shape, in jpg format, weighing between a minimum of 80 and a maximum of 300 kB.
Languages: Italian and English.
The contribution and a copy of your CV/Resume can be sent in either word and pdf format.